
In this section you’ll find product take-a-parts, instructions, free sound files, STL files and you can see my personal model building work.


Free files

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Sound files

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009 Take-a-part and DCC Sound installation

Take-a-part & sound installation

Mainline Hunslet

Take-a-part & sound installation

Bachmann Baguley-Drewry 70hp

Take-a-part & sound installation

Quarry Hunslet

Take-a-part & sound installation

Heljan Baldwin

Take-a-part & sound installation

Bachmann Baldwin 10-12-D

N gauge

009/H0e models

What’s wrong with the

Heljan Manning Wardle?

Free 3D printed model

Inspection car

Free 3D printed model

Class 143/144 Pacer

Minitrains Tramway

Minitrains Decauville